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Showing posts from August, 2010

The Cal-OSHA Course is now in Session

OSHA constantly encourages individual States within the US to operate and develop their own work health and safety programs. Now, California is one of the 26 states with a state-approved OSHA training program. According to the agreement, the State of California will run an occupational health and safety program in conformity with Section eighteen of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The prime executor of the plan is DOSH. Furthermore, the Cal-OSHA training program has an independent Standards Board, which is responsible for the proclamation of state safety and health standards. But most importantly, Cal-OSHA is the only agency in the state that has the authorization to repeal, amend and adopt the occupational health and safety standards. According to Cal-OSHA, employers must train their employees on all occupational hazards, which they are exposed to. For instance, supervisors are required to take the 30 hour OSHA training courses while, the construction and general indus...